Welcome to your Feminine Embodiment Journey

welcome, dear soul

It's my absolute honor to have you here.

I want you to know, I see you. 

I really, really do. 

I see you, because I was you. 

I know all too well the feeling of not being sure where your life is headed, disconnected from your feminine essence and stuck in the hustle and grind of life.

I know what it feels like to be completely disassociated from your body and constantly stuck in your head, replaying the past and anxiously trying to control the future.

I’ve experienced how repressed trauma, feelings and emotions not only affected my emotional state with random outbursts, but also how it greatly impacted my physical body, wrecking havoc on my digestive system, monthly cycle, and unexplained weight gain.

I understand what it feels like to see sex and intimacy as a task to complete and all the pain and numbness you feel when you're not feeling fully held, loved, seen and supported in divine partnership. 

I’m here to tell you, sweet soul, reconnecting to your inate feminine essence is possible. 

It’s possible for you to heal your nervous system, come out of fight, flight or freeze, clear out your triggers and be grounded in the present moment. 

It’s possible to release all the sadness, anger, shame and pain attached to your trauma while cultivating deep self-love, joy, and pleasure as you embrace the fullness of your being.

It’s so, so possible for you to not only attract the most magnetic, emotionally available and loving man, but to actually crave sex and intimacy with a loving and present partner when you awaken your womb and heal your physical body. 

I know all of this is possible for you, because all of it, and so much more has been possible within me and the countless women I’ve worked with. 

I’ve dedicated my life’s work to helping women come back home to themselves. 

Welcome to your place of peace. 

Here's what I promise you:

>> I will guide you on your journey of reconnecting to your feminine essence as the powerful and sovereign woman you are. I will show you the way, provide you the tools, and help you discover parts of yourself you never knew existed. 

>> I will guide you in energetically clearing any pain, trauma and memories from your body without having to go back and relive every awful thing that happened to you. 

>> I will help you learn how to live fully from your heart and embody the creative power of your womb so that you can honor and give reverence for yourself everyday.

>> Lastly, I will help you understand how to truly surrender and be divinely guided by the Universe so that you can attract the most divine partnership, frienships and clients that are waiting for you!

Through a fusion of ancient wisdom and modern practices, I invite you to step into a space of deep healing and profound transformation.

 Together, we’ll work to reconnect you to your divine feminine essence, heal and release you from your past trauma, and reconnect you to your body and inner wisdom.

In our sacred container, I weave together a tapestry of potent healing modalities, including but not limited to:
Discover what others have experienced as they journeyed towards feminine embodiement, deep healing, and self-love:

“As my partner and I were laying in bed, he asked ‘why do you think we’ve been so connected lately?’ 
I know that the healing work that I’ve been doing on the inside with Chelsea is now manifesting on the outside and I can’t thank her enough for being such a safe space for me to reflect and heal. It’s been so powerful!” - Ashley R.

“I love walking into Chelsea’s and immediately feeling safe and at ease. I can be vulnerable, ugly cry, scream, yell, dance, or just lay in peace, whatever the session brings. Chelsea guides with love and compassion and you can feel it radiate off of her. Each session is always intuitively tailored to my needs in the moment and has always been spot on to what I've needed to heal and move forward. The womb healing and awakening sessions have been so life altering for me that I can honestly say that since starting my cycle has become pain free, I know my God given purpose, and I love and respect my body more than I ever have. Thank you Chelsea for offering such deep healing that I truly believe all women should experience! ” - Kelly Q.

"I was seeing a therapist for years before finding Chelsea. In our two hour sessions, I'm moving and releasing what would have taken me months to do before! It's incredible how quickly we get to the root of the pain and release it for good. This journey has truly transformed my life!" - Emily S.

"The sacred sexuality practices Chelsea introduced me to have been incredibly liberating and empowering for me. I feel more connected to my body, my pleasure, and my innate sensuality than ever before. This journey has been a beautiful celebration of my divine essence!" - Alex T.

"Chelsea helped me see more clearly how to connect with my womb and my sacred feminine. I consider myself a very spiritual person and yet I gleaned so much from her. I think you could be at any stage of your spiritual journey and you'll take something away from time spent with Chelsea! She has this way of guiding you deeper, without pushing you, all the while making you feel safe and seen!" 
-Brooke H.
Custom Curated Sacred 6 or 12 month Container
A minimum 6 month commitment to yourself and your divine feminine reconnection is needed to ensure a very real and concrete transformation.

Every sacred container is custom curated! 
No two experiences are the same because no two women are the same. 
Your transformative experience will be specially designed to guide you on your journey. 

If you’re ready to embody your true, feminine essence, love fully from your heart, reconnect to your body, create freely from your womb, live powerfully on purpose and finally clear the triggers and trauma you’ve been holding on to for far too long, I invite you, dear soul, to sign up for a 30-minute consultation today. 

This consultation serves as a sacred space for us to connect, explore your needs, and chart a course for your transformation. 

If you decide to book a 6 or 12 month healing package moving forward, the $50 consultation fee will be applied towards the cost, honoring your commitment to your growth and healing.
Your Transformational Investment

6 Month Embodiment Journey

$ 2997 

✔️ A 6 month transformational sacred container intuitively custom curated for you!

✔️ Two, 90-120 min sessions every month - in person or online via zoom

✔️ Access to me via Whatsapp and email

Payment Options: 
$2997 pay in full
OR $525/month x6 
OR $275/bi weekly x12

12 Month Embodiment Journey

$ 5497

✔️ A 12 month transformational sacred container intuitively custom curated for you!

✔️ Two, 90-120 min sessions every month - in person or online via zoom

✔️ Access to me via Whatsapp and email

✔️ Free access to my Womb Healing + Awakening online course ($497 value)

Payment Options: 
$5497 pay in full
OR $475/month x12 
OR $250/bi weekly x24

Book Your Consultation Today and Begin Your Journey Towards Feminine Embodiment, Healing and Deep Love!

If you decide to book a 6 or 12 month healing package moving forward, 
the $50 consultation fee will be applied towards the cost, honoring your commitment to your growth and healing.

✨ Listen to my PODCAST : Awakened Womban
(launching spring 2025 - sign up to be notified when it's live HERE)

✨ Experience an ONLINE COURSE
(launching spring 2025 - sign up to be notified when they're live HERE)